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Get Started with GarageBand


Quickly get your music out of your head and into amazing sounding demos, so you can show up as an artist online, collaborate with greater confidence and dial in your sonic signature - no matter your experience level or equipment.

This course is for you if you're a woman in music and...

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You have an iPhone, iPad or Mac computer

Congratulations! You already have FREE access to Garageband 🎉

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You’d love to record your first demo

without just trying to ‘piece it all together’ on your own through countless YouTube tutorials 🙌

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You’re ready to develop your sound beyond just lyrics and melody

you know there's so much more to you as an artist 🌱

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You’d love to collaborate with greater ease and confidence

through the ability to map out your musical ideas in high quality demos 🤩

Have you ever been told NOT  to record your music with GarageBand?

It’s a common misconception that in order to make really good recordings, you have to be using expensive, complicated equipment. 


In fact, so many women are even shamed for using Garageband - we’re told there’s no way we’ll ever record high quality music with just a FREE piece of software.


But at best, this is just plain ignorance and at worst, it’s a way to stop women from taking control of our own music making process. 

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But I've got news for you


It's Amazing!

Yes, it’s totally FREE on an Apple device, and yes it is incredibly intuitive and easy to use, but it’s also capable of making high quality recordings with just a few clicks of your mouse and much, much more! 


Let me show you all the awesome things you can do inside GarageBand and the amazing opportunities it can unlock for your as an artist 👇

Inside Get Started with GarageBand, you’ll learn how to…


Confidently set up your first GarageBand recording session like a pro


Record into an audio channel so you can capture vocals and other instruments.


Use GarageBand’s Drummer Track feature to quickly add amazing sounding beats


Add a multitude of MIDI instruments to start developing your own unique sound


Get your music into amazing sounding demos that will transform your opportunities

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Here’s how this breaks down, module by module

MODULE 01: GarageBand Set Up This is where you’ll learn how to either locate or download GarageBand for your Apple device, familiarise yourself with the software and get your settings dialled in like a pro. LESSON 01: How to Find/Download GarageBand LESSON 02: Creating Your First Recording Session LESSON 03: Take A Tour Inside The Programme LESSON 04: Settings & Preferences

MODULE 02: Recording Audio in GarageBand This module takes you from start to finish recording into an audio channel so you can capture your vocals and any other instrument you play, such as guitar, piano and more. LESSON 01: Configuring Your Inputs and Outputs LESSON 02: Recording Into An Audio Track LESSON 03: Making Quick Audio Edits

MODULE 03: Adding MIDI in GarageBand This is when you’ll learn how to start building out your sound with endless MIDI instruments like synths, pads and much much more to finally realise all the ideas you can hear in your head! LESSON 01: An Intro To MIDI LESSON 02: Recording Into A MIDI Track LESSON 03: Making Quick MIDI Loops

MODULE 04: Using GarageBand’s Drummer Track One of the best features of GarageBand is the Drummer Track which will enable you to quickly add beats to your tracks and customise their pattern and tone to suit your unique sound. LESSON 01: An Intro To GarageBand’s Drummer Track LESSON 02: Choosing And Adding A Drum Sound LESSON 03: Shaping Your Drum Pattern & Character LESSON 04: Creating Rhythm Variations In Your Track

Plus, I’m throwing in these epic bonuses!

(A £97 Value)

Watch Me Build A Demo From Scratch

Learn how to put all of the above modules and lessons together as I build out a demo from start-to-finish, working right from the ground up.

(A £97 Value)

My Essential Recording Gear PDF Checklist   

Worried about what equipment you need to start recording from home? With this budget friendly checklist, you’ll know exactly what you DO and DON’T need.

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Candle and Berries
(A £297 Value)

Access to The Sanctuary

Perfect for any musicians struggling with confidence or self doubt - this holistic bank of meditations, journalling exercises and video pep talks will help you take action, embrace music tech and truly believe in your abilities. 

When you add that all up, that's a total real world value of £988

Ready to Get Started with GarageBand?

Got Questions?
I've Got Answers!

  • Is this programme actually live?
    It certainly is! We'll be engrossed in all things field recordings for four jam-packed weeks, face-to-face, LIVE on Zoom!
  • I'm totally new to field recording. Is this programme for me?
    Absolutely! We'll be starting from the ground up so no prior field recording experience is necessary. Plus, there'll be lots of time to ask questions and get support from me and your fellow students, even while you're carrying out the practical exercises I set you along the way.
  • What equipment will I need to take part?
    I've purposely designed this programme so that even if you've only got access to a smartphone and some earbuds, you'll be able to start your field recording journey. It will also be helpful to have some recording software, and this can even just be something free like Garageband on your phone. You can also download my FREE 5 point equipment checklist to Start Recording With Your Smartphone before the retreat so you're all prepped to hit record when we meet.
  • I'm already field recording - will I learn anything new here?
    If you're already making field recordings you LOVE and you're happy working away on your own, this field recording programme *may* not be right for you. On the other hand, if you'd like to deepen your field recording technique and learn to manipulate your recordings in new and interesting ways with a Dr in Sonic Arts and a community of other women, then the Art of Field Recording is still for you!
  • I'm a total music tech beginner - will I be able to keep up?
    This programme is paced at a beginner-intermediate level and every effort will be made to accommodate a variety of technical levels, where reasonably possible. However, it's advised that you are at the very least able to open up your recording software and import an audio file. I'll walk you through everything else, step-by-step... by step!
  • What happens if I can't make the live calls?
    The main trainings will be delivered as Live workshops, every Thursday that the programme is Live (July 1-26) While all the workshops will be recorded and saved inside your Art of Field Recording hub and the Facebook community to watch back later, this programme has been designed to be experienced live, as you'll benefit from putting everything you learn into action during the four weeks with me and your fellow students on hand to support you. Of course, if you can't join live but would still like to join and access the replays later on, that's all good. But the BEST experience will be live :)
  • Will I get hands-on time recording? And will I be supported doing so?
    Yes! A big emphasis of this programme is not just learning the techniques I'm sharing but actually putting them into action by venturing out into the field, capturing the sounds around you and doing amazing things with them inside your recording software. I'll be on hand inside the Art of Field Recording Facebook Community, Mon-Thurs, 10am-5pm BST to answer any questions and help trouble shoot tech issues while you're doing the practical exercises between the workshops, so you'll have top-level support honing your field recording craft. If you want even more Live support from me, you can upgrade your Art of Field Recording experience and join the Listening Circle. More information on this will be available at checkout.
  • I can't make these dates - Will this programme be running again?
    Yes, I'm planning on running more Art of Field Recording programmes online and an in-person field recording retreat, however dates and details are still TBC.. Therefore, this may be the only chance to join me inside the AoFR in 2024.
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Plus You’ll Be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Get Started with GarageBand is the only online course specifically designed to teach women both the technical and creative recording skills needed in order to fully realise their creative potential using the Girls Twiddling Knobs Evolved Music Tech Education Methodology.


But if you don’t feel totally satisfied by your experience inside the programme, you can apply for a full refund within 14 days of purchase.


 Full details can be found here >>

A Message from Isobel

I know from my own experience that having the ability to make amazing sounding demos yourself really is the first step to so many more women *actually* having a career in music, instead of remaining hidden.


I don’t even want to imagine what my music might look like today had I not started imperfectly showing up with my recording software and working with the equipment I had to hand, all those years ago…


Today, I have a PhD in Sonic Arts, over 25 Million Spotify streams - which have earned me tens of thousands of pounds in royalties to date - and complete control over my artistic voice.

But even more than any of this - my skills in recording and production have enabled me to say “Yes” to exciting opportunities, when so many other women in music were left saying “Sorry, I can’t do that”. 


I’ve designed Get Started with Garageband to help you do the same - because just getting started making demos from home is your crucial and powerful first step to being in the driving seat of your career and never compromising on your vision, integrity or your principles. And as a woman in this industry, that’s priceless! So…


Ready to Get Started With Garageband?


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