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Real stories from one of a kind musicians who started with courage and ended with self-produced, professional recordings of their music.

This is Jenni's home recording academy success story


“My new, self-produced EP has just been made track of the week on BBC introducing and it’s all been possible because of Home Recording Academy!”

Before Home Recording Academy, I was very frustrated with my music and what I wanted to do with it. I had a lack of confidence and felt like I was always taking 3 steps forward and 12 steps back.

I didn’t have any formal, academic teaching in music technology, but Home Recording Academy shifted my way of thinking about recording and production. It gave me the drive to pursue my music. It gives you a plan to follow so it doesn’t feel daunting or overwhelming. Now, I can open up my DAW, get started straight away and know exactly what I’m doing.

I’m so glad I did the course, particularly for the community and supportive network Isobel has created. There are other musicians who are in the same position as you are, there is no competition or derogatory language used and I can ask questions with confidence.

Since Home Recording Academy, I've been able to self-produce, record, mix, master and release my latest EP and it’s going to be an ongoing project. It was really well received and I even got contacted to say it was made Track of the Week on BBC Radio Introducing in Derbyshire. It is not the end of the road for me, so watch this space!

I’d definitely recommend Home Recording Academy. It’s the raft that will take you to the next stage in your journey, wherever that may be for you. It is definitely worthwhile.

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